First up is my Chicken and Artichoke Rice recipe!
Second up is my Moroccan Beet Salad recipe!
Now, here's the downside... You do have to register for Zuuzs.com in order to vote. Yes, I know - I really hate signing up for various sites too. Sign-up is quick and painless, I promise! You could feel good knowing you're helping me win...
Oh, wait, there's more! Yes, more! After you vote you are given the option to share it on Facebook and Twitter... for every share and tweet you post you are entered to win one of 5 $20 Cash (via PayPal) prizes! There you go, in addition to feeling good about helping me - you get the chance to win $20 just for voting!
AND, if I do happen to win, I promise to do an extra special giveaway for my friends and followers to share the love!
Deal? Ok then, let's start voting!
PS. You can vote every day! Increase my chances and yours!
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